Posted by: Moon | February 28, 2010

A day to myself …..

So, Miska, for her birthday present has gone off to Bratislava for a photo course, leaving me a day with nothing to do …. bliss ….

I have lots on my mind right now, most of it all good things that I sadly cannot share, and I have a day full of Sport and photos !!!

As my sister, DBM in Canada has just blogged about, taking photos is one thing, managing them and preparing them is a whole new skill, that takes a load of time… so I am going to enjoy my day, working on my photos,. mulling the future and of course discussing the world of Football and Hockey with my Canadian Pal Cortes … Happy Days !

These were all taken last Sunday after we enjoyed a Sunday walk (yes, I am getting old).It one of the reasons we decided on coming to rural Slovakia, this lake is 2 mins from home, and we never met a soul on our walk, perfect time together, talking and sharing our love of photography. Again, some of these are mine, and some are Miska’s .. a joint effort.


  1. Wow. Beautiful photos Moon. It’s a stunning place x

    • It’s peaceful, and if you look, you can find some lovely places…

  2. Looking forward to some photos without the snow!

    • Well, the sun is out and the snow has gone now, I am going to try for some more photos on Weds and at the week-end …

      I thought we were doing ok, but we watched the top 10 photos from Nat Geographic last night … hmm, I have a way to go !

  3. Wow the hawk is awesome then I’ve seen your ‘equipment’ very impressive.

    • Esp considering it was a cold day !

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